Inside ToteSavvy

Practical Tips for a Better 2018

Inside ToteSavvy

Practical Tips for a Better 2018

by Life in Play Team on Dec 26, 2017
Have you thought about your New Year's resolutions? Instead of a resolution looming over you the entire year, consider using our tips to simplify and strategize your life. Below you'll find tips from Hilary (our fabulous copywriter) and Lauren (our CEO)!   Goal #1: Work smarter, not harder   Hilary's Tips: My mom told me something she heard on a podcast the other day. "If something takes under a minute to do, just do it." I have really been trying to do just that, and it's working out well so far. These are little things I can sneak in when I have a free moment, and at the end of the day, it will have added up to much more. My goal is also to spend less time on my phone. When my daughter goes down for a nap, or to bed, it's easy to get out my phone and mindlessly scroll. However, there are so many ways I could otherwise be using my time. Sure, you could tackle some chores, but I'm talking about playing dominoes with my husband, doing a quick workout, reading a magazine, painting my nails, or, you know, sleeping. Being a stay at home mom can feel really isolating, and I find myself using my phone as a way to feel connected to the world.    Lauren's Tips: I recently read this article on The Every Girl and completely fell in love with it. The advice isn't groundbreaking (it's actually very basic) but it helped me feel like I don't need to be perfect to be a great mom. Number four is my favorite. Whenever I'm asked to bring something to a class party or friend's house, I feel the need to present a homemade Pinterest masterpiece. Next time I'm ordering cupcakes from the local bakery. 🤗  Keeping up with your inbox is one of the biggest productivity killers. I've learned to set aside 30-minute increments in my day to answer emails and clear out my inbox. I start with the most important issues and work my way to the simple responses. It may be a faux pas, but if a response isn't a priority, I generally push it off a few days. Friends and family know if they need a quick response, texting or calling is the way to go!       Goal #2: Get your child(ren) to help you     Hilary's Tips: Now that my daughter is 2, it is time to start having her help out around the house. Yes, you heard me! Chores are so important for kids. Not only do they help you out, but they build self-esteem, as well. Kids feel like they can contribute to the family, and it builds skills for adulthood. It is easy to underestimate what kids can do, especially when they're tiny and are still pooping their pants (diapers) on a regular basis. What I learned as a teacher, though, is that they will nearly always rise to the occasion. It’ll be worth it in the end. Here's an example of some age-appropriate chores. Remember, they're cumulative and build upon each other. Hell. Yes.   Lauren's Tips: Hilary and I are completely on the same page when it comes to having your children help out around the house. It's great for their benefit but also takes some of the stress off of your shoulders. Huge win, win!  Create a docking station: As soon as my kids arrive home from school, they know they need to take their shoes off, hang up their backpacks, and place their jacket in their cubby. Even the 2-year-old twins know exactly what to do and love that it pleases mommy so much. I created a little docking station for the three of them with a cubby bookshelf, these bins, and 3M hooks.  Self-serve snacks: One of my pet peeves is when my kids ask for snacks ALL DAY LONG. To help with this issue we created an area in our kitchen where our kids can find child-appropriate food to help themselves to. These storage containers are great for cereal and crackers. We even have a little measuring cup inside to help them scoop. Their plastic bowls and cups are also stored in a large drawer at their level. We also keep fresh fruit in a bowl they can easily access.    Goal #3: Prepare for the week ahead   Hilary's Tips: I have a little Sunday ritual. I take some time to fill in my planner with appointments and other obligations. I write out a general to-do list for the week. I write a grocery list and plan out what we will eat this week. I will look for coupons on some more expensive items, and I'll check Target's Cartwheel section (on their app) for any deals. Since I'm primarily a stay at home mom, I have learned that my days are very unpredictable. This is the complete opposite from when I was a teacher. My life was planned out to the minute! Literally! Now, I write a general to-do list for the week and plan a little time each day to tackle the list. I don't write anything specific for the day (unless absolutely necessary), and I pick a few items I feel like tackling during that time. It gives me more flexibility and I feel like less of a failure if things don't go according to plan.   Lauren's Tips: Bullet Journaling: I recently found bullet journaling (I know I'm super late to this party) and fell in love with how quickly you can manage just about every aspect of your life in a visually pleasing way. I stick to the very basic layouts (no caligraphy here), planning my weekly schedule, long-term projects, daily goals (like drinking enough water), and everything in between. It's helpful for me to plan ahead so when I open up my notebook on Monday morning, I can quickly transition into the work week without the extra cup of coffee to jumpstart my brain. If you're interested in a simple layout (like me) check these out. Perfectly simple!   Meal Planning: I both love and loathe to cook. When I have time, cooking feels relaxing and I genuinely enjoy preparing a nice meal for my family. On busy weeknights, the last thing I want to do is spend 30 minutes in the kitchen. Knowing this about myself, I plan a special meal every week (one that takes around 30-minutes to prepare) and 3-4 quick meals that really only require tossing a few things together. I grocery shop over the weekend so my fridge is fully stocked, saving me from the grocery store on weeknights. My favorite quick meals are Turkey Tacos, Turkey or Veggie Burgers (the Trader Joes Sweet Chili Veggie Burgers (frozen) are amazing! 🙌), and Teriyaki Pineapple Meatballs (Costco!) with pasta. Sometimes I swap the pasta for carrot noodles (also found frozen at Trader Joes) when I'm feeling extra healthy.      Goal #4: Simplify  Hilary's Tips: I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. What do I absolutely need to do ( It's a lot less than I thought. My biggest goal is to accept simplicity. This is a goal of mine every year. Being an anxious, Type A personality, I tend to be sorrrrrta neurotic. I have gotten better at saying no to things that make life too busy and hectic. It’s hard, and sometimes I feel guilty, but I’m much happier when I’m not stressed. Remember, "No," is a complete sentence! Don't always feel like you need to give a reason as to why you can't do something. I need to be better at setting realistic goals. I love to think I can do everything, but I can't. For instance, instead of cooking dinner 6 nights a week, my goal is now 3-4. I buy prepared food more often, and the meals are more simple than I'd prefer, but it is what it is. My family has full bellies and full hearts and that's what matters. Lauren's Tips: Simplicity has had a major comeback lately, and for good reason. I find myself striving to simply just about every aspect of my life so I can feel like there's room to breathe again.  Consider what's most important: Similar to the tips above, simplifying your life is really about figuring out what's most important to you, planning a way to achieve those things, and eliminating the rest. Like Hilary mentioned, learning to say "no" without guilt is key. It's okay to say no from time to time. Every single person you know will understand.  Channel your inner Marie Kondo: Clutter tends to complicate so a great way to simplify is to reduce the amount of clutter (possessions) in your life. If something isn't 1) useful, 2) meaningful, or 3) pleasant to look at, do you really need it? If the answer is no, get rid of it. It's incredibly freeing to be in an environment where everything meets that 3 critiera.      Goal #5: What can I take off my plate? Hilary's Tips: I tend to be very good at taking things on and not so good scaling back my life. This is definitely a work in progress for me! As moms, our "plates" are always overflowing. Have you heard of the mental load? It's really resonated with me and has rung 100% true. My husband is wonderful and he is "all in" as a father and husband, but there's just something about how differently our brains work. He's not thinking about what to pack weeks before we head on a vacation, and he's not losing sleep about what preschool our daughter should go to. I've learned to a) ask for help and b) delegate things to other people when I can (my husband is in charge of certain people's Christmas presents, for instance). I don't like asking for help. I like to think that I can do everything by myself, all the time. That is sooooo far from the truth.    Lauren's Tips: My personality type wants to do everything, all at once. I know that's not realistic (or healthy) so learning to take things off my plate has been an ongoing project.   Delegate at home: I'm the worst at asking for help, even when it's simply asking my husband to share in the meal prep or start bathtime. But if I don't ask, how will he know I need help? It took a while to get into the routine of asking, but now I'll do it without hesitation. Even better, my husband knows what I'll ask before I do and sometimes has already taken care of it.  Delegate at work: You have a team at work for a reason. Use them! For some reason I used to be timid to pass along projects to teammates, thinking it was inconveniencing them. Now I know to have an open line of communication. Sometimes it's best for me to keep the task, other times a teammate is eager to tackle it.    Here's to a wonderful 2018!
Power Baggage by Christy Carlson Romano

Inside ToteSavvy

Power Baggage by Christy Carlson Romano

by Christy Carlson Romano on Dec 13, 2017
A lot changes when you have a newborn. One of the first things you will notice is how many gifts come to your home. Whether they are hand-me-downs from family or boxes from Amazon, your house is sure to start to look a lot different. Move over sharp sided designer table, hello boxy play yard with musical lights and sounds. Your wardrobe will start to look a lot different, too. Your strappy heels? Say bye-bye until your feet stop being swollen from pregnancy and even then, the running around after your little one really deters you from throwing on your Louboutins for the rare postpartum girls night out. The question starts to loom in everyone’s mind (Mom and Dad), “where did my life go?”. Obviously, your life has only gotten better! You are in love with your little one and couldn’t be more proud of your growing family. But so much has happened to you physically and emotionally, that you can’t help but try to reconcile your pre-baby identity with the current happy mayhem. Look no further than your purses. You know, the one you pinned over until you managed to find it on sale? Or, if you’re like me, your purse collection. Purses are like family to me. I simply can’t say goodbye to them, as long as they are in working order. Naturally, it pained me to watch them on my shelf for the first couple months of postpartum life. I couldn’t help but over-pack when we were going down the street to the park. One thing’s for sure, if we were ever stuck on a deserted island, I would be ready! Well, my baby would be, anyway. It was only after seeing how ToteSavvy worked within my purses, did I decide that I could have the best of both worlds. I was able to fit anything baby would need at the park and streamline my new life into any of my beautiful purses. It was like the perfect merging of my two identities. You can’t help but end up with a lot of trinkets and baby gear in that first year, but with ToteSavvy, you still have the freedom to choose your style. Viva La Glam!!!
How Our CEO Packs Her ToteSavvy for Disneyland

Inside ToteSavvy

How Our CEO Packs Her ToteSavvy for Disneyland

by Lauren Kutting on Nov 26, 2017
This past week our family of 5 spent 3 magical days at Disneyland. The last time we visited the park I was pregnant with the twins. We only had one toddler to chase around, making the trip much different than the most recent one!  The trip ended up being a huge success. Our preschooler, who is obsessed with the princesses, got to meet her idols and secure their autographs. Our twins were elated to meet Mickey and Minnie and explore the wonders of both Disneyland and California Adventure.  Leading up to our trip, I strategized how we would approach having two additional kids to chase around. I knew we'd need a plan for diaper changes, snacking, hydration, and potential accidents, so in order to keep from taking the entire nursery with us, I planned to divide and conquer.  Our "diaper bag stuff" was split between two areas: under the stroller and inside my ToteSavvy Mini. Here's what I packed and why.    UNDER THE STROLLER DIAPER CHANGES Our Deluxe Changing Kit was incredibly useful! While ToteSavvy has a changing mat included, I love the convenience of the Deluxe Changing Kit because the changing mat just rolls out quickly and offers immediate access to wipes (without taking them out of a pocket). This is 100% why we created the Deluxe Changing Kit, and it proved to be a valuable asset during this trip.  COMFORT / WARMTH Los Angeles is notorious for having weird fall weather. It's cool in the morning and evening but can get up to 80˚ during the day. Knowing this, I dressed the kids in lightweight clothing, then packed a sweatshirt and blanket for each child. The blankets were folded nicely under the stroller (as were their sweatshirts) and came in handy when the twins wanted to take a nap mid-day.  We ended up draping the third blanket over the stroller to give them shade. This worked great! If you know one or more of your kids will nap at the park, definitely pack an extra blanket (breathable) to drape over the stroller.    EXTRAS We always have a Mommy Hook on our double stroller, allowing us to carry bags or hook my backpack when needed. Such a great product!  Additionally, our stroller has an organized attached to it (we love this one by Baby Jogger) for holding water bottles and extra items. The middle compartment, which has a magnetic flap, was the perfect place to store our autograph books and pens.      INSIDE MY TOTESAVVY MINI In an effort to pack light and not carry a huge bag around with me, I opted for a ToteSavvy Mini and my Henri Bendel Jetsetter Backpack. LOVE this combo!  Inside my ToteSavvy Mini, I stored the following essentials: antibacterial wet wipes hand sanitizer diaper bag buddy (includes first aid necessities) high-protein snack bars wallet cell phone extra diapers room keycard Disneyland passes misc. trinkets This is the lightest I have ever packed for an all-day outing with my family and I can say it was more than enough. We used the hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes often, dipped into the band-aids a few times (to keep my shoes from rubbing), and ate all the snacks while waiting in lines. I had enough room around the ToteSavvy that I could have added more. This came in handy when I needed to throw any extra water bottle in my bag, or carry some special trinkets we picked up.               There you have it! An efficient and necessities-only diaper bag for our Disneyland trip. Every item is neatly organized with ToteSavvy Mini, allowing us to enjoy our day and not stress about finding what we need. 🙌          
How I Turned My Luxury Bag into a Diaper Bag: Louis Vuitton Highlight

Inside ToteSavvy

How I Turned My Luxury Bag into a Diaper Bag: Louis Vuitton Highlight

by Lauren Kutting on Oct 29, 2017
As I browsed around the first floor of Bloomingdale's, pregnant with my first child, I felt disappointed with the lack of fashionable diaper bag options. I’ve always had a thing for handbags, and to this day, believe your handbag makes your outfit. Surrounding the lackluster diaper bags was a magnificent selection of gorgeous totes, satchels, crossbodys, and every other bag you could dream of. Each had it’s own unique style––evoking a joyous feeling as I placed one particular style on my shoulder. Why didn’t I get this same feeling when browsing diaper bags? Simple. Because they were diaper bags. Then and there I decided I didn’t want to purchase a diaper bag I didn’t love. Why spend so much money on something I dreaded carrying? Instead, I gleefully walked into the Louis Vuitton store within the department store and asked to see a Neverfull. Now, this bag was awesome! I left the store without a diaper bag but instead with a bag I had been eyeing years. A bag that made me feel special and beautiful when I put it on my shoulder. This bag would be the perfect bag to keep me feeling myself after baby arrived. It was perfect. If you own a Neverfull you already know just how great the tote is, but also how unorganized it can become––especially when carrying around essentials for you and your baby. ToteSavvy was created specifically for this reason; to organize the open space inside your tote and make it compatible as a diaper bag. If this sounds like you and you’d rather carry a handbag you love over a short-lived diaper bag, ToteSavvy is perfect for you! Below are our tips for pairing ToteSavvy with the Neverfull to create the best diaper bag ever. *If you don’t own a Neverfull, any large tote will work similarly! Neverfull MM The medium size Neverfull is a great size for a diaper bag. It pairs with both ToteSavvy and ToteSavvy Mini. Below are images of both size inserts for reference. Left: Neverfull MM paired with ToteSavvy (original size). Right: Neverfull MM paired with ToteSavvy Mini Let's break down how each size ToteSavvy fits inside the MM Neverfull. The original size ToteSavvy (larger size) takes up the whole inner capacity of the tote. If you like a snug fit and don't want to see any wiggle room around your organizer, this is the perfect combo for you.  If you prefer to have room around your organizer for extra items, or just aren't a fan of a snug fit, we highly recommend paring ToteSavvy Mini (small size) with your MM Neverfull. As you can see from the image above, there's a decent amount of room around the organizer, allowing your tote to look less full.    Neverfull GM We highly recommend using the original size ToteSavvy inside the GM. It’s a near perfect fit and offers a little room around the sides for extra items like a blanket or sweater. Below you’ll see images of both the ToteSavvy and ToteSavvy Mini inside the GM. Left: Neverfull GM pictured with ToteSavvy Mini. Right: Neverfull GM with ToteSavvy (original size).  As you can see in the photos above, ToteSavvy is just about a perfect fit for the Neverfull GM. We wouldn't call this a "snug" fit because there's some room around the organizer, offering space for a blanket or sweater.  The ToteSavvy Mini, however, leaves a lot of room around the organizer. For this reason, we don't typically recommend pairing your GM with ToteSavvy Mini. With that said, some customers may prefer this fit. It comes down to your own personal preference.    Side by Side: GM vs. MM Our most popular ToteSavvy is the original size. Below you'll see a side by side comparison of the original size ToteSavvy in both the GM and MM Neverfull totes. This pairing truly does make an awesome diaper bag––one that you'll love for years! Shop ToteSavvy
DIY Halloween Costumes

Inside ToteSavvy

DIY Halloween Costumes

by Hilary Gebhart on Oct 15, 2017
  Not everyone wants to or has the means to spend a bunch of money on a Halloween costume that your kid will wear for a few hours. I got a Pottery Barn Kids catalog in the mail last week, and while their stuff is adorable, I won’t be ordering a $60 costume for my two-year-old. DIYing a costume is a great way to bond with your little one while creating something they can be proud of! If you play your cards right, it can be cheaper than buying a costume. Here are three costumes that we DIYed - I can’t wait to show you! We’ll be sure to share the cost breakdown, as well as the DIY experience. What’s great about these costumes is that there is some flexibility to each of them so you can make them your own (and use what you already have).   Superhero Costume What child doesn’t want to be a superhero? It’s so fun to pretend that you have magical powers and can save the world (who knows, maybe they will)! My daughter is not quite two, and she’s already saying, “Super _____!” thanks to a Daniel Tiger episode she saw. My favorite, naturally, is when she says “Superrrrrr Mamaaa!” because I 100% agree with her if I do say so myself. Anyway, what’s great about this costume is that you likely already have some basics at home, like a plain t-shirt or brightly colored pants. Your child can choose what colors they want for their costume, and it’s simple for them to cut out wristbands, a headband, a mask, and a letter for their shirt. Just make sure you trace something on the felt and fabrics so that your little one has something to follow! If you want to get fancy, you can always hot glue some velcro pads onto the accessories to reuse for dress-up or pretending. Otherwise, you can use some duct tape and make things simple and more temporary. Lauren’s daughter, Jackie, loved this costume and wanted to wear it all day - I don’t blame her! Total Cost: $11.88, including the t-shirt (she had leggings already)   Jellybean Costume How adorable is this costume? Kids love balloons, so this will be fun for them to wear! It didn’t take much time to blow up the balloons since we needed them to be small. To have an easier time blowing them up, choose balloons that are thin. The balloons are going to be so cute bouncing around as your kiddo runs from house to house. Clear trash bags can be hard to find, so give yourself some time to find them! We couldn't find one, so we improvised and made a jellybean skirt.  What’s great is that you can wear any colored shirt and pants, since they’ll all go with the balloons...I mean, jellybeans.  Total cost: $10.69 (excluding shirt and pants, which she already had)       Jellyfish Costume This costume is my favorite out of the three, I have to admit. I’ve seen a couple of jellyfish costumes in real life, but they didn’t have the LED lights. The lights, in my opinion, totally make the costume, especially since trick or treating will be done at nighttime. The eyes are easy to cut out, and the rest of the costume involved mostly tape and a tiny bit of glue. Something worth mentioning is that nearly half of the cost of the costume was the ribbon alone! Jackie loved the costume and also wanted to use it as a fort! I love her imagination. I also appreciate how this costume can be suited for kids or adults - just keep in mind the length of the tentacles. Total cost: $45.90     Admittedly, the jellyfish costume is on the pricey side. However, with all of these costumes, it is possible to price out items and look for coupons to lower the cost. Joann Crafts and Michaels always have coupons, and some supplies may be cheaper online as well. Happy shopping!
ToteSavvy & After School Sports

Inside ToteSavvy

ToteSavvy & After School Sports

by Lauren Kutting on Sep 24, 2017
    With school in full swing, after-school sports are beginning to pick up too. My oldest daughter just turned 5 which means she's all about her extracurricular activities. This season, soccer is her go-to sport! Adding after-school activities to my schedule seemed daunting at first––epecially with 2-year-old twins tagging along––but I learned a few tricks to make the addition easier and more enjoyable for all.    Organize Your Day the Night Before   There are evenings when I loathe this advice (because I just want to collapse onto the couch and not move) but it's truly a lifesaver. Every evening prior to soccer practice, I pack my ToteSavvy and my daughter's backpack. In the morning, I'm confident we won't forget something important at home (like her soccer shoes). I'll even go a step further and place everything right in front of the door so we literally cannot leave without it. Take that, mommy brain!        Equip Yourself With Snacks   The first question my children will ask me as we're leaving preschool is "do you have a snack for me?" With that in mind, I unfailingly pack an arsenal of snacks to be consumed both on the way to soccer and during practice.    One of my favorite gear items for toting snacks is the Logan & Lenora Wet + Dry Portfolio. I can store an extensive amount of snacks inside this pouch while fitting it nicely between the pocket panels of my ToteSavvy.             Make Yourself Comfortable   Soccer fields and parks tend to have limited seating. I don't mind camping out on the grass, but prefer to have something between myself and said grass to avoid stains or a wet behind. Gathre makes gorgeous bonded leather all-purpose mat perfect for our soccer practices. It's waterproof and completely wipeable too.  The three of us (my twins and myself) have a little picnic as we watch their sister play. My plethora of snacks keep the twins happy and entertained while I enjoy a quiet moment contemplating how it's possible I have a 5-year old soccer player already.            Bring a Beverage   Depending on the weather, an ice cold sparkling water or steaming latte is the cherry on top of your leisurely soccer practice. It may seem like a luxury to have a fun beverage on-hand but it's so worth it.  Your beverage can also be planned ahead of time (yay for planning!) keeping you from dragging 3 kids to Starbucks as you're running late to practice. I prep my beverage in the morning and pour inside a Swell bottle to keep it hot or cold. Cold beverages stay cool for 24 hours while hot beverages stay hot for 12.          
Air Travel Tips for 3 Kids Under 5

Inside ToteSavvy

Air Travel Tips for 3 Kids Under 5

by Lauren Kutting on Aug 27, 2017
    If you asked me a year ago, just the idea of air travel with my 3 kids would have brought on instant panic. We once flew with our 18-month twins and preschooler, thinking it wouldn’t be that bad. Well, it was that bad. It was so bad in fact that one passenger asked the flight attendant for scotch tape for our kids’ mouths. My husband wrote a hilarious blog post about this flight and others we’ve faced. If you’re in the mood for a fun read I highly recommend it. After our awful flight, we decided to stay put for a while until our twins were older and more capable of handling air travel. Luckily, we didn’t have a reason to leave home so staying around town was easy to do. Fast-forward to August 2017 after we committed to two trips (both 5-hour flights) all within 3 weeks of one another. Knowing what we experienced 6-months ago, I was not eager to get my kids on an airplane anytime soon, but the allure of visiting family and a tropical vacation calmed my anxiety. This time around I was determined to do things right. I took what I learned from the first few flights with 3 littles and applied them to my upcoming trips. I hope my mommy-hacks prove helpful to you as well. If they can help just one family get through a painstaking trip, then my job is done.   TIP #1  Make your kids carry their own stuff It may seem counterintuitive to have your kids carry their own things but trust me on this one. It really makes a difference. In my past trips, I was determined to cram diapering essentials, snacks, waters (for 4 people), clothing, entertainment, and my own necessities into one large carry-on handbag. What was I thinking?!?! My handbag ended up weighing about 15lbs and although it was nicely organized (thanks, ToteSavvy!) it was a pain to hold everyone’s stuff. Each time one of my kids wanted a snack or a coloring book, I had to reach down, grab it from my bag, and hand it to them. I realize this isn’t that big of a problem but as a mom with three kids, I was over it after the 5th ask. Instead of trying to carry everything yourself, have your kids each carry a backpack with their own activities, snacks, and water. Our flight was immensely better with this setup. Each child had their own seat (they were all over the age of 2) and their own backpack under the seat in front of them. If they wanted anything at all, they could reach down and grab it themselves. To my amazement, even my 2-year old twins loved this convenience. They thrived off of the independence and loved digging through their backpacks looking for hidden treasures (aka goldfish crackers and cookies).   Land of Nod backpack pictured above   On our first trip this summer my twins wore Land of Nod backpacks (pictured above). While I loved these adorable designs and large capacity, the size was a little large for their small frames. I think in a year or so they will fit much better and be a great option. Because of the size issues, we ended up hooking their backpacks on the stroller through the airport. This wasn’t a big deal to me but I find it necessary to fully disclose that my children didn’t actually walk through the whole airport with backpacks in tow. On our second trip, my twins wore these adorable little backpacks by My Little Pack Company. Aren’t they just precious?! The size of these was beyond perfect for a 2-year old frame, while still holding enough snacks and entertainment tools for a 5-hour trip.     My Little Pack Company backpack pictured above     TIP #2 Pack snacks, snacks, an iPad, and more snacks From my first tip, I think you’re getting the idea that snacks are essential when we travel. My kids don’t get a ton of snack food at home. We stock the house with crackers but rarely cookies, squeezers, gummies, and other snack foods. This comes in super handy when I need to keep my kids happy for 5-hours. They are so excited to be eating animal crackers that they’re well behaved for 15-minute increments. Along with a backpack full of snacks we carried an iPad (in our adult bags) for entertainment. I’m sure this isn’t everyone’s favorite form of distraction but it works for us and I honestly would rather have happy, quiet children than other passengers asking for scotch tape again. My preschooler happily watched a couple movies for both trips while my twins tuned in off and on throughout the flight. I found that rotating their “distraction” worked best. I would offer a snack, then offer a movie, then a sticker book, and so on. Once I had exhausted all of my options I was back at option 1 with a happy toddler ready for another snack. One last mon-tip is to pack a large booklet of stickers. My toddlers happily unpeeled and stuck stickers on themselves for at least 2 hours during the flight. 🤷‍♀️     TIP #3 Don’t forget to bring a stroller Ha! This is a big one. I can’t even believe we attempted this but hey.. you live and learn. If you don’t want to carry your children, bring a stroller. Hell, bring anything with wheels. They will not want to walk alongside you, and when they do want to be independent, they will be running full speed towards something hazardous. You can take your stroller all the way to the gate and check it under the plane right before boarding the aircraft. Be sure to let the front desk associates know you’re doing this so they can give you a special tag for your stroller.   TIP #4  Get digital with your boarding pass My husband loves efficiency so anything that helps streamline our day he’s all over. On travel days he makes sure to download all of our boarding passes to his iPhone so he can easily hand over his phone when going through security and boarding the plane. You can quickly swipe to see all boarding passes, and even scan them from your phone. Easy peasy. TIP #5 Look into Clear or TSA Pre Waiting in a security line with three kids is not fun. Then when you finally get up to the front you have to practically undress everyone and unpack your carry-on before proceeding. To make your life easier, consider signing up for TSA Pre Check or Clear if you fly regularly. Depending on which service you use, you may not even need to take your shoes off. Liquids and electronics still have to come out of your bag but it’s much less chaotic when you’re not chasing your toddler barefoot.   TIP #6 Organize your carry-on bag Carrying an organized bag on your flight is a no-brainer. It will help you access what you need, when you need it, and keep you feeling together. For my two trips this summer I decided to try something different. For the first trip, I took my Fawn Design bag––packed with a ToteSavvy Mini. For my second trip, I took a Goyard St. Louis Tote––packed with a ToteSavvy original size. My packing list was very similar for each trip which allowed me to determine which style of bag I preferred.   Here’s my verdict...   Carrying a tote has its pros and cons, as does carrying a backpack. I personally like being hands-free when traveling so the backpack is a clear winner for me. One benefit the open tote has is it's easier to access what you need. You can also bring your ToteSavvy original size (large) which helps carry more stuff.  Unfortunately, those pros were not enough to sway my opinion of carrying a tote bag while traveling from now on.    For future trips, my perfect situation will be using a convertible tote/backpack that fulfills all of my pros and none of my cons. Stay tuned for recommendations as I find them!    my large travel tote (Goyard + ToteSavvy original)   my travel backpack (Fawn Design + ToteSavvy Mini)    
Toddler Backpacks to Use with ToteSavvy Mini or Bottle Bag

Inside ToteSavvy

Toddler Backpacks to Use with ToteSavvy Mini or Bottle Bag

by Hilary Gebhart on Aug 20, 2017
Now that my daughter is a toddler, she loves carrying things around on her arms or shoulders. If there’s a stray grocery bag, shopping bag, or any sort of thing with a handle, she’s on it. Lauren mentioned to me how she wanted her kids to carry their own stuff for their summer trips (genius idea, by the way).  Since our kids are of similar ages, I wanted to give it a go myself, especially since we have some traveling coming up this summer. I cannot even explain how delighted my daughter was when she saw that she was able to try out not one, but two backpacks. My Little Pack Company makes the cutest mini backpacks for toddlers.  A lot of backpacks tend to be really large, making them too big for our little ones. I love the smaller size, and the padded straps made it so comfortable for my daughter to wear. It’s very neutral so it will go with everything! It’s perfect for an everyday outing with your kiddo. They just launched some really adorable patterns in their shop!     This backpack is perfect for carrying our bottle bag along with some other toys or books. I was actually able to fit a Munchkin 360 Miracle Cup in there along with a small section of my GoStak (yes, it's made for gym supplements - but clearly I use them in other ways!) that I use.   I tried to show that in this picture, but someone was too excited to stay away.     She was even wearing it while eating her breakfast. Can you see a little peek of her  ezpz Happy Bowl in this picture?   {Food in both hands, as usual. We love our Guidecraft Kitchen Helper, btw.}   {Lauren's twins sporting perfectly sized little packs. Swoon!} The second backpack we tried was from Land of Nod. It’s bigger in size and very colorful! I love how it had large zipper pulls for little hands.  This backpack would be perfect for a plane ride or a long day out. Although the backpack is bigger in size, it was not too big for my tall 21 month old. This particular backpack happens to fit our ToteSavvy Mini really well! We packed it full of goodies for our day. We packed a drink, some snacks, a book, some toys, a doll, sunglasses, a hat, and her diapers and wipes.    {I hate how this picture isn't centered, but #thestruggleisreal when you're at the park and trying distract your toddler from what you're doing!}   {How adorable is the unicorn?}   {Lauren's son at the airport!} My daughter is obsessed with keys and has to carry them on our walk to the mailbox. She has her own set of generic keys which I attached to the key clip. To say that she was thrilled was an understatement! She actually started saying the word “backpack” and went around the house collecting items to put in it.  Can we say adorable? I can’t believe my baby girl is ready for her own little backpack. Where does the time go? Does your toddler use a backpack? Have you ever paired it with a ToteSavvy Mini?
Out and About with Ezpz

Inside ToteSavvy

Out and About with Ezpz

by Hilary Gebhart on Aug 06, 2017
  We have all experienced (or heard stories about) toddlers picking up their plates and dumping their food out. For me, personally, it is one of those things that is just super friggin’ annoying - it’s messy, I spent time preparing food (how stupid of me), and I’m likely trying to do something else while my daughter is eating. It’s one of those things where, if I’m already irritated about something and then this happens, I just about lose my mind. Wait. I mean, I would never get short with my daughter or get flustered when she bugs the shit out of me. Luckily, there is a solution. ezpz to the rescue!     We have actually been using ezpz ever since my daughter started eating solids (so, just short of a year and a half). I was so excited to finally buy one because I had heard rave reviews! My first purchase was their Mini Happy Mat which is smaller and meant for high chairs and travel.  There are many things I love about ezpz. Where do I begin? Their mats are made from silicone, so they don’t absorb color or smells, and they’re easy to clean (totally dishwasher safe). Their silicone sticks to your counter or table, making it really difficult for your child to do the dreaded “I’m going to look you in the eye and dump my entire dinner on the floor” act that we all despise.   {Using the mat for the early days of Baby Led Weaning. It fit perfectly on her high chair!}   I have a confession to make, though.  Even though I used to be a teacher and taught reading comprehension all year, every year, my own reading comprehension is not that great. Until a few weeks ago I had no idea that the ezpz bag is meant to be saved and used when out in restaurants, enabling you to bring back your messy plate without messing up your purse. How genius is that? I was so excited to use my mat that I didn't read the packaging. No lie, I kept the bag from my Mini Mat thinking that it was a really nice bag and that I could repurpose it. I’m eye rolling myself so hard right now.      Did I mention that it fits perfectly into ToteSavvy’s side pocket? Because it does. Perfection.     Anyway. I feel very lucky in that my daughter loves food. Any kind of food. If it’s edible, she wants it. So, when I tell you that our mats have taken a beating and have been exposed to all sorts of flavors, colors, and sauces, I mean it!  Now that I know the Mini Mat can be used for eating out, I had to put it to the test. Will the bag work well? Will it survive washings? We went out to Mexican food (I wanted to go straight for the jugular and try out some messy food). My daughter had beans, guacamole, salsa, and carne asada marinade smeared on her mat. And rice. Oh, the rice. Toddlers eating rice is like Christmas tree needles: you’re never gonna get it all and you’ll continue to find it months later. Am I right, or am I right?   {Messy Mini Mat and restaurant necessities}   I put my dirty mat in the bag, took it home, and washed it. I  liked how the bag closed really easily. It was secure and no-fuss. When I washed it, it felt the same afterward. Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised! From now on, I’ll definitely be taking my Mini Mat when we go out to eat. Now, off to find its bag....  
Which ToteSavvy is Right For You?

Inside ToteSavvy

Which ToteSavvy is Right For You?

by Hilary Gebhart on Jul 30, 2017
While the original ToteSavvy may seem like a natural pick for an infant (and the Mini for a toddler), there are other ways to decide which ToteSavvy to use. I have both and use them differently. Which ToteSavvy is right for you? Let’s get started! If you are breastfeeding…the Mini is for you! If you are nursing, you don’t need extra space for a bottle or a formula (plus water to mix it with), so you may prefer the mini.  Don't get me wrong, I'm totally Team Fed Is Best (#whateverworks) but you gotta admit that nursing does save you space. Breastfeeding leaves you enough room to store the essentials (like diapers and wipes) without getting too bogged down by stuff that you don’t really need.  Boobs are so handy, aren’t they?    If you cloth diaper…you need more room, so the original ToteSavvy is for you! While cloth diapers are an economical (and environmental) choice for many, they do take up much more space than disposable diapers. Depending on how you pack your diapers, you can fit up to six in your ToteSavvy. You heard me. Six. Amazing, right?   If you prefer cross body bags…go Mini! While our own Tassel Tote can be a cross body bag, I rarely find that cross body bags are large enough to fit the original ToteSavvy. Now that my daughter is running around, I prefer to carry a handbag that has a shoulder and cross body option. Having the cross body strap really comes in handy when you have your hands full or need to be hands-free. I find that a lot of shoulder + cross body bags are roomy enough for the mini and have space for another item such as my water bottle or a sweater.   If you are always out and about…then the original ToteSavvy is for you. I love how ToteSavvy makes me feel like I can take on anything. There are enough pockets to fill your bag with whatever you may need. Seriously. While I prefer to have some down time at home each day, I have many friends who leave the house in the morning and are out for most of the day, every day. In those situations you’ll want the extra space for more drinks, snacks, changes of clothing, and the like. ToteSavvy will hold everything you need for long days out with your kiddo.   If you have multiples…the original ToteSavvy is the way to go. You have two (or more) kids, so you’ll need a lot more stuff simply to survive! With twice as many kids your likelihood to experience some sort of “adventure” (read: blowout, hunger, general mayhem) goes up exponentially. The original size will give you enough room for the kids’ stuff as well as your own, like emergency chocolate or a tiny bottle of wine. I’m half kidding about the wine (but really, why do they make those tiny bottles anyway).   There really is a perfect ToteSavvy size for any given situation. Which one do you typically use?
The Best Backpacks for ToteSavvy

Inside ToteSavvy

The Best Backpacks for ToteSavvy

by Hilary Gebhart on Jul 23, 2017
photo courtesy of @thiswildlove   While we love a good handbag, here at Life in Play, sometimes you just need to be totally hands-free. Here are our current favorite backpacks, perfect for an everyday outing or a full day of adventure with your little.   Baggu Drawstring Backpack, Baggu ($42)     I love the casual, current look of this Baggu backpack. I own a few Baggu reusable shopping totes, but I didn’t know they made bags (and backpacks) until I was shopping around for my Affordable Handbags post. I came across some at Macy’s and was so intrigued! They are really sturdy and high quality. I love this olive color, but their blue and white striped one just screams summer! (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)   Fawn Design, Fawn Design bag ($159.99)   It’s no secret that we love our Fawn Design bag! This backpack can also be a messenger bag, which is so handy. This bag already has pockets inside, so with the ToteSavvy you will be more organized than ever! I love the easy look of their bags. (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)    Women’s Chambray Polka Dot Backpack, Target ($29.99)   As we all know, the ‘90s are back! What’s better than old school backpack that’s been updated? Plus, this bag is super easy to pick up on your frequent trips to Target. We know you go there at least once a week! The polka dots add a little bit of interest while keeping everything very neutral. (Best fit: ToteSavvy mini)    Kanken, Fjallraven ($80.00)     This backpack is so neat! The top handles are bigger than a normal backpack, making it truly comfortable to carry it by the handles if needed. There are two slim outside pockets, but their profile is such that they’re barely noticeable when not in use. This bag also comes in an insane amount of color choices, making it easy to match your personal style. (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)   The Transport Rucksack, Madewell ($198.00)     I am such a sucker for cognac colored bags, and this is no exception. I love the collar stud closures. The outside pocket is perfect for things like your phone, tissues, or hand sanitizer - things you’ll be reaching for often. (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)   Watson Lane Hartley, Kate Spade ($248.00)   You guys. I cannot handle the stripes on this backpack - how cute are they? This backpack is made from Kate Spade’s signature nylon, so you know it’s durable and easy to clean. Plus, that makes this backpack really light to wear. I like how the straps are padded for comfort. You'll need that when your kid decides to bolt in the parking lot. (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)   Dawson Backpack, Herschel ($69.99)       This backpack is one of the taller ones I’ve come across. I appreciate these types of backpacks because I can easily shove a sweatshirt in the top, no problem. I had a really hard time coming up with which color to put here, since the backpack comes in nearly thirty colors and patterns! The drawstring cord and buckle closure make sure your items stay safe inside. (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)   Siesta Key Backpack, Tommy Bahama ($98.00)     What’s more summery than Tommy Bahama? I love this watercolor print; it’s unlike anything I’ve come across before. The leather  handle and zipper pull really tie this all together in classic Tommy Bahama fashion - relaxed, but classic. The nylon lining is always a plus, since we all know spills are bound to happen now and again! (Best fit: ToteSavvy Mini)   Tassel Tote, Life In Play ($198.00)   I couldn’t finish this post without including our own Tassel Tote, which is the most versatile bag featured here. It can be worn as a cross body bag, shoulder tote, and a backpack. Its pebbled grain leather is super soft and will stand the test of time. Plus, black is a color that is perfect year-round. My favorite color combination for summer has always been black and white. You’ll look so chic wearing this bag wherever you go! One thing to note is that this is the only backpack I have found that will comfortably fit the original ToteSavvy. While I love the Mini (I use it on a daily basis), some situations call for more items, and the original ToteSavvy is meant for just that. Since this bag was made specifically to fit the ToteSavvy, you can't get a better fit than this!   I love how there are so many stylish backpack options at all price points. There truly is something for everyone! Which backpack do you like to use?
Easy Dinner Hack with One Potato

Inside ToteSavvy

Easy Dinner Hack with One Potato

by Lauren Kutting on Jul 16, 2017
Lauren, founder of Life in Play, here! As a working mom, planning and preparing weeknight meals can be a real challenge. I love to cook but with 3 kids (including 12-year-old twins!), it's hard to find the time to plan a weekly menu, shop for groceries AND cook after a long day at work. Enter One Potato. I learned of their meal kit service while exhibiting at ABC Kids Expo and immediately fell in love with the concept. It's similar to Blue Apron or Plated, where they ship ingredients and recipe cards to your home on a weekly basis. The difference that One Potato has (and a HUGE value in my opinion!) is they cater to families. I've tried Blue Apron and other meal kit services, but none of them are as accommodating to families as One Potato. One of the key perks to One Potato is I don't have to spend time on the weekend planning a menu. All I have to do is log into my account and select either the "omnivore" plan or the "vegetarian" plan. I can see the meals shipping that week and can make adjustments if needed. They also offer nut-free and gluten-free meals. A huge relief if someone in your family has allergies! The second amazing difference One Potato has is they include pre-chopped ingredients. Can I get a hallelujah?! As much as I love cooking, the act of leisurely preparing meals is now saved for date nights. I don't have time for that during the week. #sorrynotsorry      The photo above shows the ingredients inside their "Spaghetti and Turkey Meatballs with Caesar Salad" meal. As you can see, the ground turkey arrived pre-mixed with seasoning (major time saver!), as did the salad dressing and marinara sauce. Their recipe cards clearly lay out each step and showed helpful photo examples. For this recipe, the first step was to ball the ground turkey and sear it on the outside. After a quick sear, I popped them in the oven for a few minutes before adding my spaghetti noodles to a pot of boiling water.  Each step was simple and efficient. They have you prepare one aspect of the dish while another is cooking. I appreciated how easy the preparation was and it was clear they designed the instructions with a parent in mind. Each recipe card highlights ways to get your kids involved in the cooking. I absolutely love that. My preschooler is at the perfect age to be my sous chef. Though, as luck would have it, on this particular night she was more interested in building her lego castle than helping mama. Go figure!        The entire cooking process took me exactly 30 minutes and that includes taking the time to stop and photograph each step. Had I not needed to document this meal, I'd say I could have had dinner ready in 20 minutes. In my opinion this is another major benefit of One Potato over other meal kit services. They know you don't want to spend 45 minutes preparing dinner.      Let's talk about portion size. One Potato caters to families not only because they offer easy-to-prepare meals that are also kid-friendly, but they actually provide enough food to feed our family of 5. We even had left over spaghetti that I ate for lunch the next day :)  Plating our dinner was easy thanks to my go-to plates for my crew. I absolutely adore Replay Recycled's plates. They are made from recycled milk jugs and are incredibly durable. My kids also love the fun colors and divided sections.        Now, being a little bit of a foodie (or was a foodie... does it still count when you don't really eat out anymore??), I was impressed with the flavors of this meal. The meatballs were juicy and flavorful, the pasta sauce had a nice sweetness to it which had me wanting more, and the Caesar salad was the perfect touch to satisfy my appetite. It felt like a luxurious meal (dinner out even) without the high price tag or labor involved.   My kids gobbled their dinners up as well. Pasta and meatballs are kind of a no-brainer for us so I knew they'd be into it. I like that every recipe in the weekly box was kid-friendly. The next night we had their "Tuscan Chicken" dish which included roasted cauliflower and avocado toast. The cauliflower was tri-colored which helped in my negotiation to get the little ones to try their veggies. Clearly One Potato is run by parents!      My final opinion on One Potato is if you're looking for an easy way to get kid-friendly gourmet meals on the table with little effort, this is the meal kit service for you. Before learning of them, I thought there was a huge gap in the market for this type of service. No one was accommodating families. I'm glad they stepped in and developed a truly family-friendly service. Us moms and dads have so much going on (whether you work full-time or not) so it's nice to take the stress of dinner out of the equation.  Keep doing you, One Potato!     
The Story Behind ToteSavvy

Inside ToteSavvy

The Story Behind ToteSavvy

by Lauren Kutting on Jun 25, 2017
  Over the past 3 years I’ve mentioned how the idea for ToteSavvy came to be in a few articles I’ve written. You may have read about our chaotic flight which led to a rough sketch, then a prototype which would soon become ToteSavvy. While both of those facts are true, the whole story behind ToteSavvy is much more complex.   It was the Spring of 2012 and I had just announced my first pregnancy to the world. My husband and I were elated to be expecting and couldn’t wait to begin to prepare for our little bundle of joy. Both of us are major planners and agreed upon completing our nursery and baby-proofing our house before the 2nd trimester. Don’t we sound like first-time parents?!?   Part of our prep work involved purchasing every baby essential on our generic “must-have” list. One of those items was, of course, a diaper bag. Now, being the fashion-driven woman I was, I decided it was only fitting to carry the most fashionable diaper bag the world has ever seen. I surely thought I could find such a diaper bag– even if it meant shelling out a pretty penny for it.   My husband was working in advertising sales at the time and regularly visited the NYC office. I decided to tag along on his trip to get some great shopping in. I had visited NY a few times before and knew that was the place to find literally anything. Every store was stocked with the best on-trend items. In my mind I could absolutely find THE BEST diaper bag in New York.   I excitedly set out on my first shopping attempt– headed to the big department stores. Barneys, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, and Saks Fifth Avenue were all on my list. I browsed around the department store for a while before the realization set in that every single handbag I was drawn to was not a diaper bag. When I asked the sales rep where their diaper bags were located I was directed towards a few designers who sold a version of a nylon puffy-vest looking diaper bag. “Is this it??” I said in a shocked tone. After suggesting there had to be a bigger selection I was directed towards the baby department. Even there the options were limited. It seemed that every brand designed into the same silhouette and fabric. Yes, I understood that pockets were needed but why did they have to be all over the outside of the bag? And why was the style so similar to every other diaper bag around? Was the point to call attention to the fact that is was a diaper bag and not a beloved handbag?   Feeling defeated, I ventured over to the designer section which was completely out of my price range. I figured I would just take a look and then strategize how to work it into our planning budget. Diaper bags are pretty crucial after all!   Even the high-end designers didn’t have great options. LV doesn’t make a diaper bag, but they did show me many options that could work. The other designers had 1-2 options that still screamed baby. Why was it nylon? Why did it have to have those darn pockets all over the outside? I fully understand utility but there was nothing simplistic or effortless about them. They didn't even compare to the variety of gorgeous handbags across the rest of the store.   I decided to call my search quits then and there. I sure as heck wasn’t going to spend mega-bucks on something I didn't love. Throughout my pitiful search I kept wandering past the Longchamp section. In an effort to not leave empty-handed I decided to just pick up their Le Pliage Large tote and call it a day. It was big, had a zipper and seemed like a great bag to use for baby. Done and done!   I didn’t think much about my make-shift diaper bag until my daughter was about 3-months old and we were planning a trip to visit family in Ohio. All of a sudden it occurred to me that I would be traveling with my newborn and couldn’t take the nursery on the plane with us. Trying not to panic I carefully laid out every baby item on the floor of the nursery, thinking about what I’d need for our flight. I methodically and efficiently packed my empty-vessel “diaper bag” with each item– fitting just about everything I needed. I ended up with a full tote that looked decently organized. I felt amazingly accomplished. I had done it. I didn’t need a true diaper bag after all!   Any seasoned mom is probably thinking… “how long did your purse stay organized?”… and they are so right! It took all of 15 seconds on the airplane for my precisely organized tote to turn into a chaotic mess. All 5 of the pacifiers we packed (inside a little baggy to keep them clean) were MIA while diapers became tangled within a swaddle blanket. Wet wipes? No idea… under the seat maybe? Needless to say, it was the last flight I would ever take that disorganized.   Upon our arrival, my mind was crazily racing as I tried to think of a quick solution. No way was I going to do that all over again in 2 weeks. I thought about running out to buy a generic diaper bag, or finding a bunch of little pouches to keep things together, but neither solution seemed right. What I truly needed was pockets. I couldn’t afford to waste time taking 3 different pouches out of my bag as I searched for a diaper– or try to unzip said pouch with one hand. I finally understood why a diaper bag was necessary, but still couldn’t come to terms with settling for one I didn't love.   While nursing my daughter a few days later an idea came to me. What my Longchamp tote needed was pockets. I didn’t want to sew them into the bag because then it would forever be a diaper bag. However, if I made them removable then I could simply use it as a diaper bag when I needed to, and as my chic tote on other occasions. That was it! The idea of a removable pocket system to organize my handbag was exactly what I needed!   After returning home a few weeks later I was eager to get going on my “diaper bag caddy”. Sewing has always been a passion of mine so I was excited to put my practical skill to use. I started with the simple concept of adding pockets to my bag. These pockets would, of course, have to be shaped with the right dimensions for each baby item I needed to carry. I took out every baby essential in our house and measured them one by one. To my amazement, many of them had a similar shape. Diapers and wet wipes fit within a standard size pocket, as did many bottles, cups and baby kits. Clothing and blankets could even be rolled to fit perfectly within this pocket size I had developed.   I made a couple pocket prototypes and thought about how to add them to my handbag. They were the perfect size but I couldn’t figure out how to keep them from collapsing without sewing each to the bag. Then it hit me. I had just finished a DIY toy box tutorial for my daughter’s nursery and new the perfect material to use to keep those pockets upright. I used a rigid mesh material to act as a wall for my pockets. It was thin, pliable and super lightweight– literally it couldn’t have been more perfect for my purpose.       After a couple days of on and off sewing I had completed my first prototype. I felt invigorated as I quickly packed my bag with each essential and gazed down at the organized perfection. I could see each and every item inside my pockets. It was easy to just reach in and grab what I needed. When replacing an item I could easily slip it back in without repacking everything else. This was it!! I finally had my solution!   I carried around my prototype in my handbag for months– proudly showing it to friends and family. In the back of my mind I knew I had something, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to take the next step everyone was urging me to take.   At the time I was still sewing bridesmaid dresses under my own clothing label and was making a decent living. Though I would never admit it at the time, I was looking for a way out but didn’t want to admit defeat. In my eyes, closing the bridesmaid business meant I had failed. Failure was not an option for me.   It wasn't until my daughter was 15 months old that I took the next step to turn my little “diaper bag caddy” into a true product. Life with a toddler was harder than I ever could have expected, and I knew I didn’t want to spend 8 hours a day sewing dresses. I had been carrying my organizer in my bag every day and still found it to be the most useful baby item I owned. I knew it was time to stop sewing and look into manufacturing.   I had considered manufacturing my bridesmaid dresses but never committed to it. The cost was high and it was hard to justify such a large investment when styles and popular colors were always changing. What I needed to sell was one product that never went out of style. One product that I could confidently stock up on because I knew I could sell it. That one product had been sitting in my handbag for a year. It was finally time to develop it.   I researched manufacturers online and sent out emails to my top 10. I imagined I would have everyone begging to develop my product and I would narrow my results down after interviewing each one. Boy was I wrong! After a few weeks I got a response from two manufacturers. One was kind enough to let me know that they only do mass production orders (10,000+ units) but would be happy to speak with us down the road. The other was a small handbag manufacturer based in NY. They liked my idea and thought it was something they could prototype.   Within a few weeks I was shipping my only organizer cross-country along with fabric samples, sketches and a copious amount of notes. I was terrified it would be the last time I would ever see it, or worse, my idea would end up for sale online the next day. Luckily, the manufacturer I connected with was one of the good ones. They crafted their sample within a few weeks and quickly FedExed it to me to get my feedback.   As I grabbed my scissors to open the package and examine my first sample, my body was flooded with emotion. Would it be a terrible sample? Would I have to pay for 5 more revisions that I couldn’t afford? Would it be perfect and I would actually have to go through with this? To my delight the sample looked amazing. They had nailed the execution of my exact pattern but with expert craftsmanship and quality materials. I couldn’t believe it. I held in my hands a true product– one I could see being carried in the totes of parents everywhere. Then the panic set in. I had no excuse. I had to jump in head-first and build a brand.     Within a few weeks I was working on a full Kickstarter campaign and getting ready to launch my idea to the world. Within 1 week of the Kickstarter project being live, I learned the biggest lesson about business and marketing. Nothing happens by chance and everything is earned. We had a slow start but after countless hours spent asking friends and family to pledge, we were close to hitting our goal.   If I had to do it all over again my strategy would be completely different. I underestimated the power of marketing and press. Something I never underestimate now. What I didn’t know when I first launched Kickstarter was no one knew what my product was. The name wasn't right and it took too much time to explain the benefits of my organizer.   By shear luck we met our $35,000 goal and were funded with about 1 day to go in the Kickstarter campaign. It wasn’t until a year later that I began to understand how to appropriately market my product. First on the action item list was to come up with a better name. With the help of some amazingly smart friends and countless hours going over every combination imaginable, ToteSavvy was born.          
Packing Your Man Bag using ToteSavvy

Inside ToteSavvy

Packing Your Man Bag using ToteSavvy

by Hilary Gebhart on Jun 18, 2017
Father’s Day is here! I am so grateful that my husband is such a hands-on, fun loving father to our daughter. She lights up whenever he’s in the room and it’s so clear the she utterly adores him. My husband will take our daughter pretty much anywhere. They have, of course, been to fun places like the park or the beach, but he will also take her to Home Depot or the lumber yard. He can’t wait to take her to the driving range! My husband and I have different preferences when it comes to what to pack when we’re out and about with our daughter. Now that my daughter is just over a year and a half, I prefer to use a purse with my ToteSavvy Mini and keep the bare minimum with me. I have a “home base” in my car with extra clothing, our Deluxe Changing Kit, and food, so I don’t need to carry that around with me every day. My husband, on the other hand, prefers to use the ToteSavvy original so that he can carry everything with him.   It’s really important for my husband to be well prepared, so he likes to load up the ToteSavvy pockets with the essentials as well as the “just in case” items. While I know some dads want their own diaper bag, my husband told me he didn’t want one and would just carry whatever I bought. I wanted something that went with my style - practical, unfussy, timeless, and stylish. Although it’s techhhnically a diaper bag, I bought this Marc by Marc Jacobs bag to use because it was very neutral and could be used for traveling after its diaper bag days were over. Although my husband would still carry a frilly and feminine diaper bag, I know he appreciates that this one is fairly gender neutral. I can also see my husband using this, this, or this bag. Now, what exactly goes inside the tote when my husband takes it with him? He takes a complete spare outfit with him, typically one that is a little too big for my daughter (because nothing is worse than trying to squeeze your kid into something two sizes too small). He likes to pack a few diapers, wipes, and hand sanitizer. Our daughter has a large appetite so we always need to have plenty of snacks around. We love freeze dried fruit, Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies, or smoothies in a Squeasy Snacker. I just discovered Kind’s Pressed Bars and she loves them. Since they’re not marketed toward children, they are larger in size which works perfect for my daughter. My husband will take some water for her in a Munchkin 360 Cup, as well. He packs a book or two, and maybe a small toy. Although he carries his wallet and phone in his pockets, there’s room in the ToteSavvy for a water bottle and a snack for him. Even though this sounds like a lot of stuff, everything fits in the ToteSavvy and it all stays organized, which is really important to my husband. Happy Father’s Day to all of the dads and father figures out there! Parenting is not an easy job, and we are so lucky to have you be along for the ride. Cheers to you!  
The GiGi New York Tori Tote is Perfection

Inside ToteSavvy

The GiGi New York Tori Tote is Perfection

by Hilary Gebhart on Jun 11, 2017
  I have written about my affinity for handbags. It is a love that burns deep within my soul, similar to my love for chocolate, reality television, and sleep. I always seem to be on the hunt for something new to add to my collection. I’m pretty picky, so I always pull out my imaginary checklist to see if a bag is really going to work for me. Is it good quality? Will it stand up to everyday use? Is it practical? Lastly, does it have a classic look to it? When I invest in a handbag it’s really important to me that I spend my money wisely. Obviously it would be better if I thought out every purchase I made, however, if I buy a $20 handbag and don’t end up liking it, it stings less than if I paid a lot more money. Taking all of these questions into consideration, GiGi New York checks off all the boxes on my “checklist”.       I had heard of GiGi New York and seen pictures of their beautiful bags, but I had never seen one in person until I got to try out their Tori Tote in periwinkle. And, upon looking at their website, they are carried in a ton of brick and mortar stores! That’s perfect for someone like me who wants to see important purchases in person. When you see their products, you’ll surely be impressed.        From the moment I saw the bag, I knew it was of excellent quality. The pebbled leather is so incredibly soft. One thing I immediately noticed about the bag was its weight. I don’t mean to say that it’s heavy - because it’s not - but rather that you can tell that this is a high quality bag that’s meant to stand the test of time. You can tell that it’s not flimsy. It’s kind of like feeling a cashmere sweater - it is simply more luxurious than a polyester one. You can feel the quality and the difference is noticeable.        I love the gold hardware - it adds a little bit of interest without being over the top. The interior pocket is really nice to have for those miscellaneous items like lip glosses, tissues, or a snack. I love how the inside of the bag is grey; it’s just enough to be seen, but not enough to take away from the subtle periwinkle.  The periwinkle is light enough that it’s so versatile and will go with anything I wear.     The Tori Tote is perfect for the ToteSavvy original! I have also been using it with my ToteSavvy mini and it leaves a room to pack a hat, a water bottle, and some snacks. The periwinkle is light enough that it’s so versatile and will go with anything. This is a purse that you will proudly wear for years to come.    
How to Stay Organized Without a Diaper Bag

Inside ToteSavvy

How to Stay Organized Without a Diaper Bag

by Lauren Kutting on Jun 06, 2017
Diaper bags are SO last year (said in my best Cher Horowitz voice). The fact that hundreds of variations exist, yet nobody can find one they love as much as their pre-baby handbags, is confusing and troubling. As a first-time mom, I personally took on this problem desperate to find an answer. The answer wasn't yet another diaper bag style (no matter how "fashionable" it claimed to be). The answer was to transform the functionality of every handbag I already owned and loved. The answer was ToteSavvy.  ToteSavvy was conceived as a tote organizer designed for parents but quickly became much more than that. ToteSavvy represents the freedom of choice during a time in your life when so much is chosen for you. Parents live by their child's schedule, dress accordingly for inevitable spills, and even give up their preferred car.  With ToteSavvy, parents don't have to swap their beloved tote or backpack for a short-lived diaper bag. It may seem like a small win, but when every ounce of your personal style has been reduced to a clean t-shirt, confidently carrying your favorite tote on your shoulder is a huge victory.  With options to fit inside almost any backpack, tote or handbag, ToteSavvy literally completes the tough task of turning any bag into a diaper bag. Let me show you exactly what I mean through two "non-diaper bag" options.    //  THE ULTIMATE  //  ToteSavvy original paired with an oversize tote     ToteSavvy (original size) is the uber organizer– equipped to carry every baby essential one could possibly need. This insert effortlessly organizes my tote on a daily basis and even kept me calm and collected (well, the inside of my handbag anyway) during a 5-hour flight with 3 kids under 3.  ToteSavvy pairs best with an oversize tote with a large capacity. The perfect fit allows you to neatly organize every baby essential inside ToteSavvy– keeping each within arm's reach and easily accessible.  True to form, ToteSavvy includes a variety of unique features which make your life easier: The key clasp keeps your keys from falling to the bottom of your bag (AKA "the black hole"). A compact changing mat is included for quick and easy diaper changes.  The insulated pocket keeps liquids at the correct temperature.  A flat pocket, found on the outside of ToteSavvy, keeps paperwork flat and free of goldfish cracker crumbs.  The cell phone pocket, located near the top of ToteSavvy, keeps your phone within reach and quickly accessible.  The remaining 8 pockets (varying in size) organize just about every other essential needed for baby.   While it sounds cliché, ToteSavvy legitimately is the best of both worlds. You gain the organization you seek from a diaper bag while continuing to use your favorite handbag.              //  LESS IS MORE  // ToteSavvy Mini inside a small tote or backpack     While carrying "everything but the kitchen sink" is perfect for some parents, others prefer to leave the bulky items at home and pack lightly. ToteSavvy Mini is the best option for efficiency and compact utility. Identifiable by its name, ToteSavvy Mini is a smaller version of the popular ToteSavvy insert. The mini version boasts 6 total pockets, a changing mat, an insulated pocket, and a key clasp. It's small enough to fit nicely inside medium size totes and satchels, while also a great fit for a backpack. Experienced parents everywhere will affirm going hands-free with a speedy toddler is the only way to go. Backpacks will become your new best friend!  ToteSavvy Mini has quickly become the go-to for parents with toddlers, preschoolers, or simply those who don't like to carry quite as much around with them. The mini insert holds just enough to keep your little one, clean, dry and well fed– without too much excess. It's pockets are the same as those found in the original size ToteSavvy–offering expert function on a smaller scale.          With ToteSavvy or ToteSavvy Mini in tow, parents can reclaim their style freedom. Almost any handbag or backpack can be transformed into a diaper bag using ToteSavvy, which means your options are truly endless. Who would have thought a simple insert with strategically placed pockets would redefine what it means to carry a diaper bag? This is precisely what ToteSavvy has done.     
Affordable Handbags to Use With ToteSavvy

Inside ToteSavvy

Affordable Handbags to Use With ToteSavvy

by Hilary Gebhart on May 21, 2017
Since handbags are such big a fashion statement, they’re available at all different price points and at so many different stores. I’ve rounded up the cutest bags to use with your ToteSavvy, all under $100. I can’t wait to show you! Slouchy Tote Handbag, Target ($29.99) This bag is so sleek, and it will go with anything. Cognac is my absolute favorite color for a handbag. It’s not too light, it’s not too dark, and it’s perfect for any time of year. This looks like something you’d find at a high end department store, but at a fraction of the price. (Best fit: ToteSavvy original)         Classic Faux-Leather Tote, Old Navy ($34.94) I need to talk about this blush purse. I love how blush and cream are now year-round colors. This purse is perfect for spring and summer, but will easily transition into fall and winter. This purse is calling my name! (Best fit: ToteSavvy original)          Reversible Faux Leather Handbag, Target ($36.99) I absolutely adore this shade of blue! It’ll give you the perfect pop of color with any outfit. However, if you need something a little more subtle, have no fear! Just turn this bag inside out and it becomes a beautiful navy. Any parent loves an item that multitasks. Two bags in one? Yes, please! (Best fit: ToteSavvy original)         Large Expandable Nylon Tote Handbag, Target ($34.99) I love this bag so much! It comes in eight colors and patterns which is always a plus. The cool thing about this bag is that you can unzip the bottom if you find yourself needing a little bit more space. This bag would come in handy if you frequently go to the park or the beach where you’d need a little more room to pack a blanket or a towel. And once you’re finished, you can zip it back up. (Best fit: ToteSavvy original)         Giani Bernini Nylon Foldable Packable Tote, Macy’s ($89.50) I was immediately attracted to this color. It’s just as pretty in person; it reminds me of peonies! I love how the nylon is easy to clean. This bag has a zipper which is always a plus! As you may have inferred from its title, this bag is perfect for traveling. (Best fit: ToteSavvy original)         Nine West Belecia Tote with Pouch, Macy’s ($89.00) I know what you’re thinking. How dare I put a white purse on this list? Well, hear me out. One of my favorite purses of all time is a white leather purse that I bought at least ten years ago. My mother told me not to buy it because it was too impractical, but you can make it work! A white purse looks so crisp and chic, no matter what time of year. I will never not own a white purse. (Best fit: ToteSavvy mini)         Straw Tote, Old Navy ($29.94) Although a straw tote is very much a seasonal handbag, I couldn’t resist adding it to this list.  How cute is this bag? I love how straw totes are slouchy and not as structured, and this will look perfect with a madras shirt, a pair of denim cutoffs, and some flip flops. (Best fit: ToteSavvy original) I hope you found some inspiration from this list. I was practically drooling over the expandable tote from Target. I think that’s my next purchase. What’s yours?
Easy Effortless Style For Moms

Inside ToteSavvy

Easy Effortless Style For Moms

by Lauren Kutting on May 15, 2017
As a mom of three I've found I spend less and less time putting myself together on a daily basis. It's not that I've lost my desire for fashion, but that the quick pace of parenthood has left me prioritizing work or my kids over my own appearance. On lazy Sundays I'm perfectly happy wearing no makeup and rocking a messy bun while spending the day in leggings and a t-shirt, but most other days I want to look put-together without the time commitment.  Lucky for me I spend a great deal of time on Instagram connecting with super stylish mamas who always look put-together, and make it look easy and effortless. The amount of outfit inspo coming across my desk is amazing! 🙌 With all of this fabulous inspo and my desire to look and feel more put-together, I decided to do a little experiment. For 1 week I took inspiration from 6 stylish ladies and applied it to my own wardrobe. Now of course I didn't want to spend a fortune buying new clothing for this post, so I adapted each outfit to classic pieces that can be found in *most* wardrobes.  Each outfit is geared around a statement piece or cool take on how to wear something differently. The best part... each outfit is simple enough to put together in a minute or two. No complicated combinations and nothing that requires a fancy hairstyle. A messy top knot or quick pony will look great with each look!  Take a look through the 6 key looks below.   //  Outfit 1: The Moto Jacket // photo credit: Merrick's Art   Moto jackets are great because they elevate your look in an instant. Currently it's trendy to pair your moto with sneakers for a cool, modern look.  Key elements to this look: Moto jacket in leather, suede or any faux material T-shirt  Skinny jeans "Dressy" sneakers (AKA any sneaker you wouldn't actually go for a run in)       //  Outfit 2: The Floral Tee  // photo credit: KB Styled   As you probably already know, jeans and a t-shirt are such a go-to for moms. I love how Brooke from KB Styled upped the ante with her floral t-shirt and Addidas sneakers. Her style choices took a basic look to street-style-cool.  Key elements to this look: Floral or printed t-shirt Skinny jeans with ripped knees Vintage athletic sneakers        //  Outfit 3: The Knit Dress  // photo credit: Latisha Springer   Whether you're pregnant or not, a fitted knit dress is always flattering. It's a simple piece to use as a base layer to add on to. I love how Latisha paired her striped dress with a denim jacket and sneakers for a casual yet put-together look.  Key elements to this look: Knit Dress Denim jacket or chambray shirt "Dressy" sneakers       //  Knotted T-Shirt  //  photo credit: @mrscassierea (Instagram)   Another fantastic way to up your jeans and t-shirt game is to add a knot to your t-shirt. I read a few months back that "the tuck" was out and it's now all about "the knot". While I still tuck my shirts all the time, I love the addition of the knot. It's a great way to make your beloved t-shirt feel new again.  Key elements to this look: Basic t-shirt (loose enough fit to knot on side) Casual denim (note the cuffs at the bottom– instantly adds a cool factor) Slide on sneakers or flats       //  Athleisure  + Baby Wearing  //  photo credit: Patricia Chang NY   I have to give Patricia mad props for making baby-wearing look this cool. Her look is so effortless it appears she could have rolled out of bed like that (in a good way!), quickly wrapped her baby up, and ran downtown for a quick coffee date. All while looking amazing yet casual. 🙌 Key elements to this look: Joggers or leggings Fitted tank or t-shirt Satin bomber jacket Solly Baby Wrap       //  The Utility Vest  // photo credit: @livinglifekelley (Instagram)   Vests are great for stepping up for style game. During the fall or winter months I live in my J Crew quilted vest. It literally looks good with everything. For spring and summer months a quick and easy update is the utility vest. I love how Brittany styled hers casually with soft denim and sneakers. Just adding that extra layer makes all the difference and takes your look from basic to style expert.  Key elements to this look: Utility vest Light wash denim white or soft grey t-shirt "Dressy" sneakers     What do you think mamas?! Can you apply these same key elements to your daily outfits?    
What Does Motherhood Mean to You?

Inside ToteSavvy

What Does Motherhood Mean to You?

by Life in Play Team on May 07, 2017
In honor of Mother's Day, we asked our brand ambassadors to tell us what motherhood means to them. Here are their special words.        //  Brooke  // "Being a mom is my heartbeat. It is the easiest yet hardest experience I have ever encountered. It is as if my heart is living outside of my body; it no longer belongs to me. He is forever my teacher, reminding me everyday to see the joy in the simplest of pleasures."  - @thiswildelove         //  Brittany  // “Becoming a mom has been the hardest, yet most fulfilling and beautiful thing I’ve ever done. In a lot of ways I feel like my life has just begun, because I am seeing the world through her eyes now. In the beginning this overwhelming sense of love over took me, and I took pleasure in just being her mom. Now that she is getting older, I feel like it continues to help me become a better, stronger, more fearless version of myself." - @livinglifekelley         //  Batmom  // "As said in Spiderman, "With great power comes great responsibility" (I know it's not necessarily the origin of this quote 😉). I find this quote to be very relatable to being a mother. To me, to be a mom means to be blessed with someone so precious, that they may hold the key to our future. So it's our duty to make sure we raise them well." - @batmom_ca          //  Hilary  // "Motherhood inspires me to be a better version of myself. It requires you to put someone else first, which sometimes means smelling like poop or cuddling a sick baby that coughs directly in your face. It means learning how to sneak food that you don’t want to share, and dressing your child better than you dress yourself. My heart bursts with joy every time my daughter learns a new skill or says a new word. She is my pride and joy, and I feel so honored to be her mother. " -@okayishmom         //  Ange  // "Worth every pound I've gained, wrinkles and stretch marks I've acquired during each pregnancy. Aiden made me a mother and Axel made me a better one // Motherhood is a beautiful ride, a wild ride, and the most incredible journey I will ever take... my world is a happier place because I am a mother to my boys, they are and always will be my greatest accomplishment " -         //  Traci  // “Motherhood is giving everything you've got, and then getting twice as much in return.” -  @tracitaylorcollective         //  Vanessa  // "Being a mother is the biggest blessing I have ever had, the greatest gift I have ever received and the strongest connection to another person that I have ever had.  It's the most rewarding feeling I have ever experienced and the purest and endless love I have ever had.  Being a mother is the best thing I have ever become." - @vanebosserdet  
10 Tips for New Moms

Inside ToteSavvy

10 Tips for New Moms

by Hilary Gebhart on Apr 23, 2017
  Motherhood is everything everyone says it is. It is the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me. It’s also the most difficult journey I’ve ever embarked upon. Here are some tips to help make your life a little easier.    Things will change,  but they will also stay the same. Just because you are now a mom doesn’t mean you won’t enjoy the same things you used to. I still enjoy cooking, fashion, and trashy TV. I don’t see that ever changing. Yes, you will put your own needs on the back burner. Yes, your priorities will change. However, you will still be you at the very core of it all.  Be patient with yourself. This is a time in your life where you need to be very, very patient with yourself. You will find that you need to adjust your expectations more than you ever thought you would. For someone who likes to be in control, it was really hard for me to let go and not worry about having a clean house or what was going on at work. Nothing matters as much as the tiny human you brought into the world. This is a big change - things aren’t going to settle overnight, or even over the first month. You will get into a groove, I promise. Everyone has difficulty breastfeeding. I don’t know a single person that has said, “Nursing was so easy from the start!” in regard to their first child. I know people who have dealt with under-supply, over-supply (yes, it’s a thing), too-small nipples, too-large nipples, dairy allergies, lip ties, tongue ties, and more. If you choose to breastfeed, there will likely be bumps along the road. Seek out a lactation consultant (ideally while you’re still in the hospital) and persevere for as long as you’re comfortable. Remember, a fed baby is a happy baby -  whether it’s formula or breastmilk.  Personally, I preferred to combo feed (nurse and supplement with formula) because it took some of the burden off of me, and it helped my husband feel more involved. Breastfeeding is very time consuming in the beginning, and it’s exhausting.  Wear your baby. The fourth trimester is real, you guys. Babywearing absolutely saved my sanity the first three months of my daughter’s life. I could eat, go to the bathroom, and walk around with my hands free.  Although most people tend to gravitate toward a soft structured carrier (like an Ergo) or a stretchy wrap (like Solly Baby), there are many more options. I highly recommend you join your local Babywearing International chapter. Once you’re a member (it’s easy and cheap to sign up) you have dozens of carriers at your disposal to use on loan. Go to a meeting and have an expert listen to your needs and find the carrier best for you.  I didn’t become a member until my daughter was about 5 months old, and I wish I hadn’t waited that long. I used, and loved, the Solly wrap when my daughter was an infant. I used a ring sling after a few months had passed, and I wish I had used that from the start. A ring sling is so quick and easy, and lasts much longer (weight-wise). I still use my ring sling occasionally on my 18 month old, 27lb daughter.  {Me, using my Solly Baby wrap. Please note the beer in the background. You can drink in moderation while breastfeeding, and I could not wait to do so.}  Take care of yourself.  Before having a child, self-care may have consisted of regular mani/pedis, massages, or shopping trips. Those things will still exist after having a child, but when you’re in the early days of motherhood, self-care will likely look much different. This checklist is the most realistic one I have found.  As much as you want to take care of your newborn, you aren’t going to be able to if you run yourself into the ground. Taking care of yourself is taking care of your baby. Along the line of self care, join a mommy group. Many hospitals have them, and it’s a great way to meet moms who are in your same position. Rely on your village. Everyone’s village looks different. It depends if you’re in a relationship, have family nearby, know your neighbors, or have friends you trust. In some capacity, you have people that care about you and about your child. Use them, I beg of you. If they offer something, say yes (only if you’re comfortable with it - see PPD/PPA above). Accept as many meals as people will bring you. If someone offers to come over and hold your baby for a bit, go lay down or take a shower. The people who love and care about you do not expect you to entertain them when they come over. Let visitors do the dishes, the laundry, and the vacuuming. If you don’t feel like company, say so, and have them come another time. Download (more) baby apps on to your phone. There are two apps that I used a lot when my daughter was an infant. First, I used Baby Connect to keep track of everything from feeding to naps. I still use it to keep track of her height and weight. Secondly, I also loved The Wonder Weeks. Although nothing is foolproof, it was helpful to know if there was a difficult period coming up, and what signs to look for. Sign up for delivery services. Don’t go out of the house to do errands unless you want to (#targetvacation). For your daily everyday needs, use a grocery delivery service to take the load off. Whether it’s Google Express, Amazon Fresh, Instacart or something store specific, take advantage of it. Some stores may not have delivery, but they can bring the groceries out to your car. Do whatever it takes to make things easy for you. Load up on some TV. If you are lucky enough to have some maternity leave, you will be spending a lot of time on the couch. Now is the perfect time to binge watch TV, because those days will eventually be nonexistent (sob). My shows were Scandal and Friday Night Lights. This list will have something for everyone. Additionally, I highly recommend getting into podcasts. It made nighttime feedings much more bearable.   Try your best to enjoy this time, however trying it may be. Although these first few months may feel like they’ll last forever, they won’t. Welcome to the club!