Neely and Chloe are sisters who started a line of luxury handbags and small leather goods. They believe in quality materials and classic lines and want their products to last for years and years. Their beautiful workshop in New York is where their products are developed. They're also able to embroider or emboss their goods, giving a subtle, classy personalization to your purchase. Tassels and ornaments are also available, to even further elevate your handbag. I’m not usually one for bag accessories, however, I love theirs. Their choices are so classy, I can’t help but be enamored.
Recently, I used their 365 Market Tote as my primary handbag. Did you know that this bag was one of Oprah’s Favorite Things for 2017? That’s how you know it’s good. I have to be honest, I was a little worried about using a suede handbag considering I have a toddler, a dog, and a cat. We’ve also been having some rain, too, so I was pretty paranoid about using it! I’m happy to report that the bag is still in perfect condition, despite my messy and chaotic life. I adore the braided handles on this bag! What’s even better is that it’s one continuous loop, threaded throughout the perimeter of the bag. When you’re wearing it, the top cinches closed just enough to make it feel secure and private, while still letting you access your belongings at any moment. I really love its top handle, too. It makes it so easy to quickly grab it without fumbling around for the shoulder straps.
This bag brings sophistication to any outfit. It goes well with jeans and a casual top on a lunch date, and it looks equally stylish when you’re off doing errands with kids in tow! It’s really a jack-of-all-trades bag, which makes it so great. It’s very roomy without feeling like I’m carrying around a suitcase (so important!). If you haven't checked out Neely and Chloe yet, you need to stat!
Below are a few of our favorite Neely and Chloe totes (including the Market tote of course!), all perfectly sized for ToteSavvy original.